Goal Setting – The Most Productive Step You Can Take
Goal setting is one of the best and most productive steps you can take to help yourself get where you want to go. It helps you narrow in on what you want and determine the proper steps to get it.
When I used to do a lot more public speaking and training, goal setting was one of the topics I always stressed to my audience. I was always amazed at how little thought most people gave it; as though it was just a minor thought.
Goal setting should actually be the first thought in your process and then it should be revisited many times. I’ll explain.
Goal Setting – ‘Hunting’ for a Metaphor

I’m a hunter, so I will use hunting as a metaphor in this case, but you can fill in the blanks with whatever works.
As a hunter, I know that deer (or whatever) live in the woods. If I want to harvest a deer to provide additional food for my family, theoretically, I suppose that I could just shoot into the woods and hope that I hit what I want. More than likely, I will not be successful and could even hit something that I didn’t want to hit.

However, because I would like to strengthen my chances of taking home a deer, it is in my best interest to do the initial work of scouting out the area, following tracks and various signs of deer, setting up a blind in the exact right position to get a good shot and to be there at the right time to take that shot.
The Situation
In this scenario, what do you think the goal is?
The deer?
My end goal in this scenario is to provide food for my family. The deer is the target that will make my goal a reality and all of the prep work is what will get me there.
You have to have a target in mind that will make your dream (end goal) a reality. When you have that target, you have to take the steps that will lead you there. So, let’s talk about the steps.

Let’s Take it Backward
My favorite method for determining the right steps that I need to take is to work backward from my end goal. I do this by asking questions and, sometimes, testing theories.
Back to deer hunting. The first step, determine the end goal.
End Goal – Provide additional food for my family.
Question – What is my best method of doing this?
In my neck of the woods, deer hunting is a terrific way to provide additional meat for the family. We have a large amount of deer in the area and hunting them not only provides food but also helps the area with problems caused by overpopulation. Therefore, in answering my question, I determine that deer hunting, in season, is the best method.
What I have now are a partial plan and even a timeline. Deer season is a specified time, therefore my timeline has to match up. Now, to move on and finish that partial plan.
My next question – What else do I need to make this happen?
From past experience, I know how to answer that. I need a good place to hunt, something within a wooded area where deer are likely to live.
I have a place to hunt-check.
Next question – What steps do I need to take when I have the hunting spot?
I can’t just shoot into the woods, as I mentioned earlier. The first thing I need to do is scout it out. I chose the hunting area because I knew there were deer, but I need to know where to put my blind.
Next question – What steps do I need to take to determine the best spot for my blind?
I can take a couple of different steps to assist with this issue. I can physically scout the area, look for signs of deer, trails, etc and I can put up trail cams so that I will have the best information at hand when I make the next decision. When I have all of the right information, I can make an informed decision.
I know where my blind needs to be placed.
Next question – When I have the spot all laid out and I know there will be deer in the area, and when the timing is right for deer season, what else will I need to make my goal a reality?
Well, if it is rifle season, I will need a rifle. I will need ammunition and I will need whatever additional hunting gear is necessary for the area. So, if I have all of that, is that it? Is that all I need?
Nope. I know that there is more.
They may be details, but they are necessary details.
For one, I will need to fire my weapon and make certain that it is still on target, maybe it needs a cleaning, who knows. Tools are important; they need to be in working order. The final item on the list is the paperwork; hunting license and tag. The details are an important part of any plan.
What I have, by asking questions, and working backward from my end goal, is a plan; a map of what will help me get there.
The Goal Setting Method Remains the Same
Goal Setting is the same for any goal. When you know where you want to end up, you can work backward from there, asking yourself what has to happen in order to get there. You simply keep asking that question until you get all the way back to your starting point.
The initial goal setting is not the only time you consider your goals. This is a journey, especially if we are talking about long-term goals. Your goals should be revisited along the way to make sure that you are staying on track. Sometimes you just need a little adjustment to get back on the right path.
Final Words of Wisdom
Aside from goal setting and tracking my best advice is to keep it up; don’t take your foot off the gas. Don’t allow yourself to get discouraged and don’t ever stop!
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