Category: Financially Speaking
How to Build Net Worth Building financial freedom and wealth is a journey that requires knowledge, discipline, and dedication. To start the journey toward financial freedom, it is important …
What are Some Side Hustle Ideas and Why Should You Start One Today? Side hustles are essentially any secondary job that provide an opportunity for additional income, or the …
What is an Economic Downturn and How Does it Affect Americans? An economic downturn is defined as a significant decline in the economy of a country or region. It …
As a part of our recently started Frugality Series, we would like to take the time to talk about living better with less. It is possible. I promise. What …
The Cost of Inflation These days, if you listen to the news, even in passing, you will hear a variety of statistics about inflation; statistics that are seemingly at …
Goal Setting – The Most Productive Step You Can Take Goal setting is one of the best and most productive steps you can take to help yourself get where …
Most people across the nation, at one point or another, are faced with the necessity to cut expenses. Whether it be because of unexpected expenses arising, change in circumstances …
Considering the potential for economic disaster that currently looks to be imminent, if you haven’t already created a budget and done some financial planning, this is a great time …