Shakespeare was really on to something when he coined this phrase and, as I see it, there is no better time than now to put this doctrine to work in daily life.
Desperate Times
We all go through personal struggles at different times that can seem quite desperate, but that is not exactly what I am referring to in this instance. The ‘times’ that we currently find ourselves sucked into are getting progressively more desperate on a daily basis it seems.
Locked Down – Desperate Times
Currently, we find ourselves in year number two of being controlled in one way or another. Between Covid lockdowns and now the looming possibilities of being locked out of basic daily life if we choose not to join in on a vaccination experiment that is being shoved down our throats, I would say that things are indeed starting to get a little desperate.
Severe Economic Downturn – Desperate Times
When considering these desperate times, you also have to figure in what is currently happening with the economy. Fewer people working, even though there are so many job openings that businesses can’t even function or be open at full capacity.
Meanwhile, inflation is rising very quickly. Fuel is getting so high that families are having to choose to stay home and not patronize their local restaurants and businesses, which of course is just a part of more potential financial collapse. The proverbial Catch 22. If we can’t afford to shop, they can’t afford to stay open.
Grocery prices are getting so high that families are having to go with less, just buy the basics… if you can find them. Because if you have paid attention then you know about the current issues with getting the products people need into the stores.
Even Dollar Tree, (you know, the store where everything is $1.00) is going to have to raise prices by 25-50%.
Christmas is coming up soon and families are having to explain to their children that it’s not going to be the same this year. Where, the last few years, we have been able to feel comfortable spending extra in our economy for special gifts and elaborate holiday family dinners, we will be choosing less.
Because we have less. — desperate times.
Bad Policy Can Turn Everything Upside Down. Quickly.
On top of that, even with all of this potential catastrophe staring us in the face, it is still going in the wrong direction. And, sadly, it has just begun. Its only been about nine months since things were exciting and positive and the economy was BOOMING! In just a few short months of bad policy, we are sinking.
But not just financially.
Children that are in the public school system have literally lost at least a year, more in some cases.
*A year of schooling and instruction-lost.
*A year of milestones-lost.
*A year of personal advances-lost.
And what did they get in return?
*Depression, suicide, withdrawing from life. — desperate times.
How Did We Get Here to These Desperate Times?
We, as a nation, have been through difficult financial times before. We know how to tighten our belts, hold on to what is most important and work our way through it. However, this is, I fear, a much different situation.
With the full effect of capitalism, the people of this nation have the ability and opportunity to turn things around. That’s what capitalism does.
That is not what we are facing here however. This nation is currently being steamrolled by a small group of ‘progressives’ that found their way into government based on a few ultra liberal and completely clueless districts. And they are steamrolling us directly down the path of socialism.
Because they want free stuff.
Free stuff.
That is their argument.
A Little Lesson that Used to be Taught in School
Let’s look at that free stuff argument for a moment. I would like to explain how ignorant it is. First of all, I guess we could go ahead and point out the fact that socialism always fails. Everywhere. But, going a little further, here is how that free stuff would work.
How to Get Free Stuff
The free stuff comes from somewhere. It’s not magic. Someone has to make it or offer it in some way before you can get it for ‘free’. So, in order for the government to purchase the free stuff that you want, (because apparently it is the governments job to give out free stuff), they have to get it at a really cheap price because there are a lot of people here. (Way more every day in fact.) The government will then pay for the free stuff by taking the lion share of your income. (That would be taxes)
The person who makes the free stuff is forced to slave away and make it for mere pennies because ‘its for the good of the people’. Of course, the people who are in the government facilitating these transactions will be collecting facilitation fees. Don’t believe me? Check out Venezuela. It’s not Maduro that is starving. The ‘fat cats’ always seem to find a way to get even fatter all while the citizens (or subjects) are eating rats…. if they can find them.
And since it’s not just one free thing that people want, the government will require huge amounts of taxes.
From you.
Not just from ‘rich people’.
If you take every dime from all of the rich people in America, it is still not enough to do all the free stuff that the progressives want.
Guess what else? Not everyone works. Currently. But that won’t work in this system. The government will need more taxes to pay for all that free stuff, so you will have to work. Whether you want to or not. How is that free stuff looking now?
While you are thinking this over, you should also be considering the percentage of taxes that the government will be taking from your paycheck before you even see it. It won’t leave much for you and your family.
Really. 50-60% is what many countries are currently taking from their citizens, and those countries are much smaller and they don’t give their subjects nearly as much free stuff as the progressives want. So, you can expect that number to be higher – desperate times.
Now think about that for a second. If you only get to keep 40% of the money that you work for, is that enough to pay your mortgage or rent?
You power and heating bills?
Phone bills? Bye Bye Iphone.
What about food? What will you eat? What will you feed your family?
I guess you’ll have to get in line at a soup kitchen.
With everyone else.
Sounds a lot like the bread lines that you would have heard about, if they still taught it in school. Those were certainly desperate times.
Scuttling the Family – Desperate Times
To tie all of this up in a big bow, the progressives are attempting to take child rearing completely away from parents. They want government to make the educational decisions for our children. They want government to make medical decisions for our children. They want to keep the American parent out of that process completely.
–As an aside, I defy anyone to come up with an example of when government took something over and it went well, a time when they took over and made something better.
Even more, the federal government, the Department of Justice, is literally taking on parents. They are labeling parents who are speaking up at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.
Think about that for a moment.
Parents, who want to have a say in what their children are taught in a school system for which they pay, according to the Department of Justice, equate to domestic terrorists.
Desperate Times Breed Desperate Measures
If these aren’t desperate times, then I can’t imagine what would define that term. Our way of life is being ripped away. … “fundamentally changed”.
I, as an American citizen, believe it is time for desperate measures.
I hope you are with me.
I Hope You Will Join Me
This is my most recent feed. I wanted this to be separate of my other feeds so that the topics don’t get watered down. This is incredibly important information tied to upcoming decisions that citizens, families will have to make.
I plan to share more of what I learn concerning our current state of affairs as well as a variety of other useful tips and information that could be helpful to families during these increasingly worrisome moments. If you would like to join in my other feeds, then I welcome you.
If you would like to learn a little more about me, then you can check out my questionnaire answers right here.
Two Oaks Farm Talk is the technical side of our homesteading life, with great how-to’s and sometimes, how-not-to’s. A Life on the Farm is the more personal side of this simpler life; cooking, parenting, homeschooling, relationships and more. Two Oaks Farmstead is our Farm Store where you can find a wide range of terrific items at really great prices.